Entry #2: Rain on the Roof

Realization, instruction, & inspiration
Who talks about about awareness?
Some Zen or Tao guys, or maybe a
Baby, or a sea lion.
Is awareness empty? Or full?
Is it "of" anything?
Precious time has been
Shredded to
Pieces, bulldozed,
Thinking about the
The raw dirt on awareness.
Before Zen, or Buddha, or God.
What is that?
The pain or dukkha* must be felt.
Denial is killing you;
Deny the denial.
It's a dumb thing, a blunt force.
For real, it's just you;
Let it go, to your
But don't go anywhere,
Just stay here,
Shimmering in the
*Dukkha is a Buddhist concept most often translated as "suffering"
The daily experience: I cannot forget others
First it was my daughter.
I turned around and saw her crying.
Tears were streaming down her
Face like a baby.
Then I saw an old black man crying in a parking lot.
He dashed his tiny pennies on the ground
... and they bounced so high ...
He cried out
“Oh God! God! I
Hate You God!
I hate You, I do!”
Seeing the pain of others—and my own pain.
This rip in the heart is where I am at now.